Bossa Nova Lead gesucht

Hi, my name is Matthias and for some years I practiced to play BOSSA NOVA Guitar in the traditional style of Joao Gilberto.

Now, I'm looking for lead vocals, male or feamale or Instrumentalists like Saxophone, Clarinette, Melodica, etc... to perform some songs together. 

If you say Yes to at least 2 of the following statements

a) love Bossa Nova

b) enjoy singing / playing your Instrument

c) know some of Joaos Songs

d) have some spare time

e) speak english or german or french

d) speak portugues 

e) have a phone

(at least towards "a+b" you should be positive) 

call me : 0041 76 341 8237

write me: eMail

chat me: Signal, Telegram, Threma or SMS

Inserent kontaktieren
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